2018 New year along-with Christmas is around and we all are getting ready for have a big fun. Holidays, New year party with friends and family can really make our coming months bright and enjoyable. So Here, we are providing the wishes and Quotations for new year to leave a remarkable welcome of new era. New year is best time when we can make the right beginning, think about mistakes of past and can take new resolutions. I am dead sure the below new year wishes, quotations and greeting with Slogans gonna definitely give new meanings to your life so read, apply, share and enjoy of 2018 New SUN to brighten up your new year. Cheers...
May every day of the New Year glow with good cheer and happiness for you & your family members.
On 20 century new year, I wish more happiness and fruitful/successful time. This year should be so great that it shall be remembered for rest of your life.
May you keep growing like anything.
I hope, this year's every month and every day may bring a news of your rapid growth.
My wishes for you to get your live passionate dream with all our heart.
I hope, we come more closer.
May you have a Very great and healthy start.
May all your hurdles disappear with the changing of calendar.
We must try to live a life what your soul says. Never ever neglect what your soul says as it know the way you goes and the way you want to go. This is the only way to live an peaceful life
A bright new year is given to you
To live each day with zest . . .
To daily grow and try to be
your highest and best!
Your love life, business life and social life keep on rising.
"An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves."
by Bill Vaughn
May lord bless you in the shower of happiness all the year..
Your smile make our atmosphere so positive. Thank you
"No one ever regarded the First of January with indifference. It is that from which all date their time, and count upon what is left. It is the nativity of our common Adam.
By Charles Lamb
"New Year's Day is every man's birthday."
- Charles Lamb
"Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual."
- Mark Twain
"Live each day like it's your last."
Lot more to come, never stop.
"To design your future effectively, you must let go of your past."
- Charles Givens
"Time is one of the essential ingredients. Each day brings 86,400 seconds. Whatever isn't used is gone forever."
"Let the brand New Year discovers you fresher, happier, healthier, more joyful, more cheerful and more satisfied. Here is wishing you a Happy New Year."
"New year new body count"
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Very important things -People take for granted
In this post, we are going to put in your notice of some very important things which people take for granted in their personal and professional life. Ans if these factors dealt seriously - lot of big loses/problems/stresses can be avoided.
Here we go:
1) Multiple tasks: We often try to do lot of work done at a time but it result very drastically. We fail to complete even a single work perfectly. So it very important to go with system, take a single task, complete it efficiently and move on further without any doubt of last. Once done means well-done.
2) Don't be serious all the time: Although seriousness is important to successfully doing anything but you must add some spice into your life. Bring some humor, add some jokes and funny quotes in your routine conversations. This small break of laughter can recharge you. You will gain lot of energy to move with more enthusiasm.
3) Small things matter: Yes, the small things which ignore or feel that why should be pay attention, can put us in big loss. These small things must be given proper attention and be improved before they grow into big problem. You must check every small details and will find/feel how you save yourself from big shocks.
4) Proper start: Yes, you must start your day in such a way that all negative energy should not dare to roam around you. When you do proper research and home work, you reduce your risk of failure and your become more confident. You in lot of competitive advantage. From your birth ti you last day - you can every day a mile stone from others. And you know impossible is nothing.
5) No grudges please: Do not let any type anger/grudge develop for long time. It you let it grow, you will put yourself in fix. It will never let you sit relax so better to forget everything and move on. Keep your heart big and forget the people. You will feel relax and stress free.
6) Keep hope alive: Hope is base every invention/success. If you have and you work positively, later or sooner - you get what you deserve. Imagine, if big players, actors would have lost hope - how they could have got the success. Struggle is part of our lives and it makes u stronger and better. Keep on working and give your best shot.
7) Do not forget to Celebrate: Celebrations make our life memorable. So never let any occasion go without celebration. Your birthday, anniversary, promotion - all should be enjoyed. Have a good party - invite you well wishers and have lot of fun.
Here we go:
1) Multiple tasks: We often try to do lot of work done at a time but it result very drastically. We fail to complete even a single work perfectly. So it very important to go with system, take a single task, complete it efficiently and move on further without any doubt of last. Once done means well-done.
2) Don't be serious all the time: Although seriousness is important to successfully doing anything but you must add some spice into your life. Bring some humor, add some jokes and funny quotes in your routine conversations. This small break of laughter can recharge you. You will gain lot of energy to move with more enthusiasm.
3) Small things matter: Yes, the small things which ignore or feel that why should be pay attention, can put us in big loss. These small things must be given proper attention and be improved before they grow into big problem. You must check every small details and will find/feel how you save yourself from big shocks.
4) Proper start: Yes, you must start your day in such a way that all negative energy should not dare to roam around you. When you do proper research and home work, you reduce your risk of failure and your become more confident. You in lot of competitive advantage. From your birth ti you last day - you can every day a mile stone from others. And you know impossible is nothing.
5) No grudges please: Do not let any type anger/grudge develop for long time. It you let it grow, you will put yourself in fix. It will never let you sit relax so better to forget everything and move on. Keep your heart big and forget the people. You will feel relax and stress free.
6) Keep hope alive: Hope is base every invention/success. If you have and you work positively, later or sooner - you get what you deserve. Imagine, if big players, actors would have lost hope - how they could have got the success. Struggle is part of our lives and it makes u stronger and better. Keep on working and give your best shot.
7) Do not forget to Celebrate: Celebrations make our life memorable. So never let any occasion go without celebration. Your birthday, anniversary, promotion - all should be enjoyed. Have a good party - invite you well wishers and have lot of fun.
Sadness can be Cure Through Quotes
We come in this beautiful world – having lot of people around us to care for us – creating lot of memories but one time when we feel so alone is when we are sad! Sadness is really something which makes everyone so weak and depressed. We feel like alone in this big planet. So we’ve brought these sad quotes to you so that you shall understand what you are going through and express your condition in a better way. I am sure you will definitely get some good vibes after going through it. You can regain your confidence and happiness anytime in life and the only thing you need is willing to accept the things and move on. We understand that it is not easy but changing mind and determination of living a good life is all you need. Although it is not easy to forget/forgive the pain given by our Lovers, relatives or someone very dear to us but it’s not a wise decision to live with past and keep on crying.
So Gone is gone and there is always a new bright future waiting for you and may be you ignore it if you are in your sad zone. We are sure below wise quotes will give you some good sense and hope, you overcome it fast.
“Never let go of that fiery sadness called desire.” - Patti Smith
The walls we build around us to keep sadness out also keeps out the joy. Jim Rohn
Nobody deserves your tears, but whoever deserves them will not make you cry. Gabriel Garcia Marquez
It's sad when someone you know becomes someone you knew. Henry Rollins
It's easy to cry when you realize that everyone you love will reject you or die. Chuck Palahniuk
Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Anger, tears and sadness are only for those who have given up. Katie Gill
Absolute silence leads to sadness. It is the image of death. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Sorrow is the child of too much joy. Chinese Proverbs
The word 'happiness' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. Carl Gustav Jung
We live by encouragement and die without it - slowly, sadly, angrily. Celeste Holm
Good humor is the health of the soul, sadness its poison Lord Chesterfield
Sweet is the memory of distant friends! Like the mellow rays of the departing sun, it falls tenderly, yet sadly, on the heart. Washington Irving
“It's easy to cry when you realize that everyone you love will reject you or die.” - Chuck Palahniuk
“He who is not just is severe, he who is not wise is sad.” - Voltaire
“In deep sadness there is no place for sentimentality.” - William S. Burroughs
“One cannot be deeply responsive to the world without being saddened very often.” - Erich Fromm
“A feeling of sadness and longing that is not akin to pain, and resembles sorrow only as the mist resembles the rain.” - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
“When sadness comes, just sit by the side and look at it and say, “I am the watcher, I am not sadness,” and see the difference. Immediately you have cut the very root of sadness. It is no more nourished. It will die of starvation. We feed these emotions by being identified with them.” - Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
“Sad are only those who understand” - Arab Proverb
“Sadness is but a wall between two gardens.” - Kahlil Gibran
“We live by encouragement and die without it - slowly, sadly, angrily” - Celeste Holm
"A golden heart stopped beating, working hands went to rest. He broke many hearts to prove us, he only takes the best."
"There is only one rain-cloud in the sky, and its raining on me, somehow i'm not surprised."
"i don't deserve you...i never did."
"I've learned it takes years to build up trust, but only a few seconds to destroy it."
"Every morning you get up with a fake smile on your face. But what if one morning you didn't. Would anyone notice?"
"Words hurt more than anything else can, because sometimes, they last forever."
So Gone is gone and there is always a new bright future waiting for you and may be you ignore it if you are in your sad zone. We are sure below wise quotes will give you some good sense and hope, you overcome it fast.
“Never let go of that fiery sadness called desire.” - Patti Smith
The walls we build around us to keep sadness out also keeps out the joy. Jim Rohn
Nobody deserves your tears, but whoever deserves them will not make you cry. Gabriel Garcia Marquez
It's sad when someone you know becomes someone you knew. Henry Rollins
It's easy to cry when you realize that everyone you love will reject you or die. Chuck Palahniuk
Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Anger, tears and sadness are only for those who have given up. Katie Gill
Absolute silence leads to sadness. It is the image of death. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Sorrow is the child of too much joy. Chinese Proverbs
The word 'happiness' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. Carl Gustav Jung
We live by encouragement and die without it - slowly, sadly, angrily. Celeste Holm
Good humor is the health of the soul, sadness its poison Lord Chesterfield
Sweet is the memory of distant friends! Like the mellow rays of the departing sun, it falls tenderly, yet sadly, on the heart. Washington Irving
“It's easy to cry when you realize that everyone you love will reject you or die.” - Chuck Palahniuk
“He who is not just is severe, he who is not wise is sad.” - Voltaire
“In deep sadness there is no place for sentimentality.” - William S. Burroughs
“One cannot be deeply responsive to the world without being saddened very often.” - Erich Fromm
“A feeling of sadness and longing that is not akin to pain, and resembles sorrow only as the mist resembles the rain.” - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
“When sadness comes, just sit by the side and look at it and say, “I am the watcher, I am not sadness,” and see the difference. Immediately you have cut the very root of sadness. It is no more nourished. It will die of starvation. We feed these emotions by being identified with them.” - Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
“Sad are only those who understand” - Arab Proverb
“Sadness is but a wall between two gardens.” - Kahlil Gibran
“We live by encouragement and die without it - slowly, sadly, angrily” - Celeste Holm
"A golden heart stopped beating, working hands went to rest. He broke many hearts to prove us, he only takes the best."
"There is only one rain-cloud in the sky, and its raining on me, somehow i'm not surprised."
"i don't deserve you...i never did."
"I've learned it takes years to build up trust, but only a few seconds to destroy it."
"Every morning you get up with a fake smile on your face. But what if one morning you didn't. Would anyone notice?"
"Words hurt more than anything else can, because sometimes, they last forever."
Overwheling Birthday Occasion Wishes
We all have right to cheer in life as much as possible. Although there are lots of occasions where we get a chance to have fun but, in all of them, your Birthday is very special one. It belongs to your existence. It is the day of celebrating your entrance in this beautiful planet. If you celebrate this day in remember-able way, you really give yourself a great boost. So whether it is your birthday or you are going to join someone else’s, we have written very special, newly created Birthday Wishes to create a difference, and to make them overwhelmed.
1.May you achieve everlasting milestones every moment of passing time.
2.It is surprising, how in a very short span of time, you have become from stranger to our most well wisher.
3.Nothing is as sweet as your smile.
4.You do everything with such a positive attitude that we love to follow you.
5.Your unique qualities make you so admirable.
6.You are so generous and understandable.
7.You always show your real self, avoid show-off and strict to your principals.
8.We deserve a party and you deserve all prosperity.
9.You are a problem solver, selfless, and good human being.
10.Let us express how big your importance to us.…
11.Good friend, great leader, motivator, idol, kind, open minded – you have got all of them.
12.We’ve been waiting for this big day from last 364 days, finally this beautiful has arrived.
13. You keep a special place in our lives.
14. Your company always give us so many positive vibes and on this great day let us grab all positivity.
15. You do lot of graceful things but take no credit. We love the way you guide us.
Browse More Happy Birthday Wishes!
1.May you achieve everlasting milestones every moment of passing time.
2.It is surprising, how in a very short span of time, you have become from stranger to our most well wisher.
3.Nothing is as sweet as your smile.
4.You do everything with such a positive attitude that we love to follow you.
5.Your unique qualities make you so admirable.
6.You are so generous and understandable.
7.You always show your real self, avoid show-off and strict to your principals.
8.We deserve a party and you deserve all prosperity.
9.You are a problem solver, selfless, and good human being.
10.Let us express how big your importance to us.…
11.Good friend, great leader, motivator, idol, kind, open minded – you have got all of them.
12.We’ve been waiting for this big day from last 364 days, finally this beautiful has arrived.
13. You keep a special place in our lives.
14. Your company always give us so many positive vibes and on this great day let us grab all positivity.
15. You do lot of graceful things but take no credit. We love the way you guide us.
Browse More Happy Birthday Wishes!
Motivational Quotes to Fly High in Life
Here, we share the planet’s best Motivational Life Quotes to let you see the world from the perspective of experienced & successful people and if you really follow them with 100% integrity, there is no chance of failure. Also understand that the term ‘failure’ does not exist. Either we win or learn. So keep learning and never stop trying.
Mahatma Gandhi quoted – “Man often becomes what he believes himself to be.”
Means there is no other thing that effects human being except of his/her own thoughts. If you believe that you can become a good scientist – yes, you can. But first you must trust in your own caliber. The way you do self talk with you, treat yourself determines your confidence and positivity.
Our life revolves around quotations/proverbs and if we really follow them with positive mind-set, we can reach where no one has reached yet. We can do impossible things and can convert our dreams into reality. The only place where we miss/skip is having strong will power with attitude of adopting change according to market trend and technology. We really can become richest person with having lots of fans following behind us to our footprints. So learn, apply, live & play here on the ground of life because there is no replay.
Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

Preparation leads to confidence.

Much Efforts, Much prosperity.

Time doesn't wait for anybody.

Everything flows, nothing stays still.

Success produces success, just as money produces money.

Two wrongs don't make a right, but they make a good excuse.
The man with imagination is never alone.
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Obstacles are things. A person sees when he takes his eyes off the goal.
Fortune favors the brave.
Nothing can harm a good man, either in life or after death.
Only those who dare to fail greatly, can ever achieve great.
Kits rise highest against the wind, not with it.
The privilege of life time is being who you are.
Life was always a matter of waiting for the right moment to act.
Helping people develop their own brilliance is much more efficient than giving them yous.
Success ans rest don't sleep together.
Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want.
Your life is the fruit of your own doings, you have no one to blame but yourself.
Knowledge is not power, implementation is power.
Losers visualize the penalties of failure. Winners visualize the rewards of success.
To enjoy the glow of good health, you must exercise.
Mahatma Gandhi quoted – “Man often becomes what he believes himself to be.”
Means there is no other thing that effects human being except of his/her own thoughts. If you believe that you can become a good scientist – yes, you can. But first you must trust in your own caliber. The way you do self talk with you, treat yourself determines your confidence and positivity.
Our life revolves around quotations/proverbs and if we really follow them with positive mind-set, we can reach where no one has reached yet. We can do impossible things and can convert our dreams into reality. The only place where we miss/skip is having strong will power with attitude of adopting change according to market trend and technology. We really can become richest person with having lots of fans following behind us to our footprints. So learn, apply, live & play here on the ground of life because there is no replay.

Preparation leads to confidence.

Much Efforts, Much prosperity.

Time doesn't wait for anybody.

Everything flows, nothing stays still.

Success produces success, just as money produces money.

Two wrongs don't make a right, but they make a good excuse.
The man with imagination is never alone.
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Obstacles are things. A person sees when he takes his eyes off the goal.
Fortune favors the brave.
Nothing can harm a good man, either in life or after death.
Only those who dare to fail greatly, can ever achieve great.
Kits rise highest against the wind, not with it.
The privilege of life time is being who you are.
Life was always a matter of waiting for the right moment to act.
Helping people develop their own brilliance is much more efficient than giving them yous.
Success ans rest don't sleep together.
Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want.
Your life is the fruit of your own doings, you have no one to blame but yourself.
Knowledge is not power, implementation is power.
Losers visualize the penalties of failure. Winners visualize the rewards of success.
To enjoy the glow of good health, you must exercise.
Love Quotes from it's Origin to Acceptance
Situations, circumstances, moments and specially feeling of LOVE - Have the power to make a boring moment very enjoyable, a hatred person so lovable, an irritating fellow very interesting. When love overflows, magic happens. The things take place like never before. They have lots of content to be shared and you will be surprised to understand that this things really happens!
So here you can read and share those quotes of love when its feeling popes out and you come to know about one of the most great, talked-about, pleasant feeling of this world. We are describing it from its origin to its Acceptance.
1.) I want to know about your hobbies, likings, birthday and much more.
When you are curious to know each others, intend to chat till late night, check your phone early morning, heart beat goes faster and you find new ways to making her/him happy - Means you are about to fall in Love.
2.) I wonder every possible situation to have conversation with you, try to rehearse on the best possible answer and imagine how will you react!
This situation comes when you go one step ahead into your relationship. Now you keep on wondering lots of things like: what would be best reply to impress her/him or what is to be done to make her/him talk to me!
3.) Does he/she would like to see me in jeans,top or simple dress. How would I know about his/her taste.
Bravo! Now you are considering to attract them by your dressing sense. Well, try to be what you are. Confidence is the best thing you need to impress her/him. Well, you can also do home work or ask her/his friends about her preferences.
4.) Enough this talking, friendship.. Now I need your special attention. I want a special special place in your heart as you already occupied in mine's.
After a specific time period, you must be feeling restless because your feelings for her has to be expressed. She/he must know how much you care for her. If you are going through this phase - Be brave - open up and say all your feelings. This is the perfect time. Don't be negative. Come on - Move!
5.) Oh my God - You have a crush on me!
If he/she react like this - do not back up. Dare to say YES' I do! She/he also wants to listen this. Actually he/she knows it from the start that there is something in your mind. He/she can read your body language. And eyes say it all. So this time, just take a stand and speak up.
6.) Yes - Me too. Why you've taken so long! Give me a hug.
Rain of flowers! Wow - Congratulate you have a girlfriend/boyfriend now! How lucky you are! You've got it. Now your real exam starts. Keep it up.
7.) Yes, now he/She is mine, my property. She can wait/understand. I need to express myself daily. I am busy now.
Be serious. Don't take him/her for granted. Nothing is permanent. You must care otherwise someone else will. Never be lazy in showing your love. It is very important. Let her/him feel proud to have a beloved like you. Give respect, importance and time.
So here you can read and share those quotes of love when its feeling popes out and you come to know about one of the most great, talked-about, pleasant feeling of this world. We are describing it from its origin to its Acceptance.
1.) I want to know about your hobbies, likings, birthday and much more.
When you are curious to know each others, intend to chat till late night, check your phone early morning, heart beat goes faster and you find new ways to making her/him happy - Means you are about to fall in Love.
2.) I wonder every possible situation to have conversation with you, try to rehearse on the best possible answer and imagine how will you react!
This situation comes when you go one step ahead into your relationship. Now you keep on wondering lots of things like: what would be best reply to impress her/him or what is to be done to make her/him talk to me!
3.) Does he/she would like to see me in jeans,top or simple dress. How would I know about his/her taste.
Bravo! Now you are considering to attract them by your dressing sense. Well, try to be what you are. Confidence is the best thing you need to impress her/him. Well, you can also do home work or ask her/his friends about her preferences.
4.) Enough this talking, friendship.. Now I need your special attention. I want a special special place in your heart as you already occupied in mine's.
After a specific time period, you must be feeling restless because your feelings for her has to be expressed. She/he must know how much you care for her. If you are going through this phase - Be brave - open up and say all your feelings. This is the perfect time. Don't be negative. Come on - Move!
5.) Oh my God - You have a crush on me!
If he/she react like this - do not back up. Dare to say YES' I do! She/he also wants to listen this. Actually he/she knows it from the start that there is something in your mind. He/she can read your body language. And eyes say it all. So this time, just take a stand and speak up.
6.) Yes - Me too. Why you've taken so long! Give me a hug.
Rain of flowers! Wow - Congratulate you have a girlfriend/boyfriend now! How lucky you are! You've got it. Now your real exam starts. Keep it up.
7.) Yes, now he/She is mine, my property. She can wait/understand. I need to express myself daily. I am busy now.
Be serious. Don't take him/her for granted. Nothing is permanent. You must care otherwise someone else will. Never be lazy in showing your love. It is very important. Let her/him feel proud to have a beloved like you. Give respect, importance and time.
World's Top Places, Hotels to be Travelled for Tourists
People travel a lot. These tourists go far to fulfill their hobby of traveling, curiosity of watching new places, what people are doing there, history of forts, visions of mankind and to know the globe from closer view. They love to wonder around the world. This thing inspired us to write lots of things/information for travelers to help them find the better place, to be escaped from any wastage of time, money while making their journey memorable & more comfortable. This post is inline for foreigner visitors, guests, business people/ corporate groups who do lots of conferences in five start or big hotels.
In big picture, there are 7 Continent in the world where you can visit i.e. Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe & Australia
Europe | India
List of Most Favorite International Destinations & Hotels:
When it comes to have a stay after your long journey - Comfort, Service and Safety matter. So after doing long time R&D, we are going to share the most liked, rated places have a pleasant stay. We have country-wise categorized these places so that you can directly jump to them according to you plan.
After so many research, I found a good one... it Bombay Palace, Ristorante Indiano. Address is Gradita La Prenotazionee, Lunedi Chiuso. So go and have good time.
In big picture, there are 7 Continent in the world where you can visit i.e. Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe & Australia
Europe | India
List of Most Favorite International Destinations & Hotels:
When it comes to have a stay after your long journey - Comfort, Service and Safety matter. So after doing long time R&D, we are going to share the most liked, rated places have a pleasant stay. We have country-wise categorized these places so that you can directly jump to them according to you plan.
- Europe's most commonly used currency is the Euro.
- It has 46 countries.
- By convention, This country is one of the world's seven continents and it is the world's second-smallest continent by surface area, covering about 10,180,000 square k.m or two percent of the Earth's surface and about 6.8% of its land area.
- There are 104 major cities in Europe.
- Best places to visit in London
After so many research, I found a good one... it Bombay Palace, Ristorante Indiano. Address is Gradita La Prenotazionee, Lunedi Chiuso. So go and have good time.
Hand-Picked Quotations & Pranks (Daily Moments)
Sometimes simple things seem so complicated and vice-verse. We must keep our minds chill and try to search something to laugh at. Birth and death is bitter truth so why not to make the moments so good in between these to points. In continuation with this zeal, I am here sharing some of best hand-picked quotations to have real dose of entertainment in our life. These are general practical things, happen with us on routine basis, so lets find something positive in those daily happenings.
Sometime men surprise why women think so long but the truth is women spend more time thinking about what men are thinking than men actually spend time thinking!
Philosophy of Marriage:
At the beginning, every wife treats her hubby as GOD..
One year later...
Somehow don't know understand - why... Alphabets get reversed!!
My Dream Job is not needing one!
Please do not test my gangster...
Before going back to home, you surprise to calculate that today you just worked for 30 minutes only!
Sorry I am so late means I don't want to join!
Every sunrise gives me a chance to learn something new but it also make me forget ten other things I learnt yesterday!
Whenever I enter in my workplace, I feel so deserved of getting overtime from the first minute.
During the day, people don't believe in ghosts but at night, they become open minded about it!
The moment when a male or female comes to know that from last so many months he/she was chatting to the same gender.
Now some Pranks:
Once a man goes somewhere in his boat, suddenly storm comes but he doesn't know how to swim! So he starts praying to God, pl stop it and I will donate one thousand dollars to needy people!
And the storm stop! After five minutes, he laughs and says who needy, which donation?
And the storm starts again? I again start crying and prays to God, I was just saying where I will find those needy people and when to withdraw money for that noble cause!! Lol
When I feel so confused, and need an expert's advice, I stand in front of the mirror!
I don't find myself funny at at. I am actually very cruel and blunt and people mistaken me with joking..
The moment when you are well and in hospital and every of relative comes and asks - How this happened?
And you make the same story again and again. Oh God please!
The time when your boss comes to know that you are not capable and you don't argue, somehow agreed!
The fear of wife when you receive a missed call night and cell in near to your wife!
Please God save me.
Love to save money but when it come, it flies like anything. Lol. You will never!
Waiting for Sunday but when it come, you actually sleep all the day and feel more tired than week days!
So confused to marry with the girl you love.
Someone catches your eyes while you're staring at girl while she's walking.
AT cloth shop, finding your choice and end up buying craps. Well don't' worry, it happens with everybody!
Coming at 22:00 and finding everyone sleeping, having fear of making what excuse to your wife again!
Sometime men surprise why women think so long but the truth is women spend more time thinking about what men are thinking than men actually spend time thinking!
Philosophy of Marriage:
At the beginning, every wife treats her hubby as GOD..
One year later...
Somehow don't know understand - why... Alphabets get reversed!!
My Dream Job is not needing one!
Please do not test my gangster...
Before going back to home, you surprise to calculate that today you just worked for 30 minutes only!
Sorry I am so late means I don't want to join!
Every sunrise gives me a chance to learn something new but it also make me forget ten other things I learnt yesterday!
Whenever I enter in my workplace, I feel so deserved of getting overtime from the first minute.
During the day, people don't believe in ghosts but at night, they become open minded about it!
The moment when a male or female comes to know that from last so many months he/she was chatting to the same gender.
Now some Pranks:
Once a man goes somewhere in his boat, suddenly storm comes but he doesn't know how to swim! So he starts praying to God, pl stop it and I will donate one thousand dollars to needy people!
And the storm stop! After five minutes, he laughs and says who needy, which donation?
And the storm starts again? I again start crying and prays to God, I was just saying where I will find those needy people and when to withdraw money for that noble cause!! Lol
When I feel so confused, and need an expert's advice, I stand in front of the mirror!
I don't find myself funny at at. I am actually very cruel and blunt and people mistaken me with joking..
The moment when you are well and in hospital and every of relative comes and asks - How this happened?
And you make the same story again and again. Oh God please!
The time when your boss comes to know that you are not capable and you don't argue, somehow agreed!
The fear of wife when you receive a missed call night and cell in near to your wife!
Please God save me.
Love to save money but when it come, it flies like anything. Lol. You will never!
Waiting for Sunday but when it come, you actually sleep all the day and feel more tired than week days!
So confused to marry with the girl you love.
Someone catches your eyes while you're staring at girl while she's walking.
AT cloth shop, finding your choice and end up buying craps. Well don't' worry, it happens with everybody!
Coming at 22:00 and finding everyone sleeping, having fear of making what excuse to your wife again!
Never Heard Before
Here, we come again with very fresh and never heard before jokes mixed with lovely quotations. This earth is always having some great show and your life is a ticket for them. SO don't miss it. When you response in as joyful way, means that you are living in a good way. The birth of new era takes place within ourselves. Always remember the secret of doing great things is doing them with perfect focus and a little break. Doing focus is your part and making you entertain is our part. So here we move:
On the first night of marriage:
Man: Dear, Do I have permission?
Wife: Yes!
Husband: Keep his work like crazies till morning and his wife gets unwell.
Next day they go to in-laws home.
After dinner, man asks from his mother in law: Now, do I have permission?
Wife: Shouts, Dad, don;t give him permission!
Dad:from where u bring this new chair?
Son:yesterday i go to interview they said to me take your seat.so, I took the new chair. submitted by: saivamsi
In a stormy night!
Man reaches at pizza shop..
Waiter: Are you married?
Man: Of-course! It is common sense. Otherwise no mother would have sent her son to buy pizza in this kind of dangerous night!
4 crazy men were running to pick-up the train. Two out of them were catch the train. People said: well done!
They said: It is not because another two wanted to go and we were just came to see-off them!
Man: Yesterday night, one man me robbed with on knife point.
Another: But you always keep gun with you.
Man: Yes, but I hided it from get it stolen.
Village girl: What is this sent message?
Another: Oh no, IT is so simple, sent message means perfumed message!
One man gets very angry from his dog and decides to leave.
He takes his dog to very far road and leaves.
When he reaches home back, he finds the dog is at home.
He again goes and leaves the dog at very big forest but when he comes back to home, he find dog again at home.
Now this time, he decides to leave him on a very complicated place, and he was on his way to return home, he calls his wife and asks if the dogs comes back?
His wife says: yes..
He asks his wife to send the dog as I forget the way!
An angry guy was sitting in park doing nothing.
His friend comes and asks: Hey what are you doing here?
Guy: I am taking a revenge!
Friend: To whom?
Guy: From Time!
Guy: Time has spoiled me, now I am spoiling the time!
Foe beautiful Eyes: Look for positive in others!
For beautiful Lips: Speaks words that makes everyone feel good!
And for Wisdom: Motivate everyone and let let them feel ignored!
Read more Funny Quotes to have lot of laughter.
On the first night of marriage:
Man: Dear, Do I have permission?
Wife: Yes!
Husband: Keep his work like crazies till morning and his wife gets unwell.
Next day they go to in-laws home.
After dinner, man asks from his mother in law: Now, do I have permission?
Wife: Shouts, Dad, don;t give him permission!
Dad:from where u bring this new chair?
Son:yesterday i go to interview they said to me take your seat.so, I took the new chair. submitted by: saivamsi
In a stormy night!
Man reaches at pizza shop..
Waiter: Are you married?
Man: Of-course! It is common sense. Otherwise no mother would have sent her son to buy pizza in this kind of dangerous night!
4 crazy men were running to pick-up the train. Two out of them were catch the train. People said: well done!
They said: It is not because another two wanted to go and we were just came to see-off them!
Man: Yesterday night, one man me robbed with on knife point.
Another: But you always keep gun with you.
Man: Yes, but I hided it from get it stolen.
Village girl: What is this sent message?
Another: Oh no, IT is so simple, sent message means perfumed message!
One man gets very angry from his dog and decides to leave.
He takes his dog to very far road and leaves.
When he reaches home back, he finds the dog is at home.
He again goes and leaves the dog at very big forest but when he comes back to home, he find dog again at home.
Now this time, he decides to leave him on a very complicated place, and he was on his way to return home, he calls his wife and asks if the dogs comes back?
His wife says: yes..
He asks his wife to send the dog as I forget the way!
An angry guy was sitting in park doing nothing.
His friend comes and asks: Hey what are you doing here?
Guy: I am taking a revenge!
Friend: To whom?
Guy: From Time!
Guy: Time has spoiled me, now I am spoiling the time!
Foe beautiful Eyes: Look for positive in others!
For beautiful Lips: Speaks words that makes everyone feel good!
And for Wisdom: Motivate everyone and let let them feel ignored!
Read more Funny Quotes to have lot of laughter.
Live Today
Year ends, new year starts! Some are happy, some are sad while others are looking forward to make more great life ahead. Time flies very fast but you can use it best by living 'TODAY'. It is the best day because present matters a lot in our lives. We do lots of hard work to make our future bright and strong but we forget to enjoy our daily hours. There is always something in everything you can enjoy. So re-look your mission statements and do necessary amendments. It is not your birthday when you should feel special, instead try to make every day, every hour special. Change your routine life and add something creative. Seriousness doesn't always bring good results, but sometimes being funny works.
There are some really good things everyone can try, and those are:
1. Be gentle and put your views in soft way.
2. Family comes first, after all you do big efforts to make their lives easy.
3. Love is essential part of life so never forget to value it.
4. Give importance to discipline and understand the importance of time.
5. Appraise people for their good things.
6. Accept the people the way they are.
7. Never lose confidence, you are unique and best.
8. Keep faith in God and done' be restless.
9. Never compromise with honesty ad integrity.
10. Don't be harsh and rude, in anger, try to leave that place.
11. Without having a laugh, your day is wasted. Remember that!
Apply these simple but very important habits in your life and be an idol for everybody.
Here are some users submitted jokes to make you giggle:
what do you call a deer with no eyes?
A no idear! What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs? Still no idear!
submitted by: Anna
There are some really good things everyone can try, and those are:
1. Be gentle and put your views in soft way.
2. Family comes first, after all you do big efforts to make their lives easy.
3. Love is essential part of life so never forget to value it.
4. Give importance to discipline and understand the importance of time.
5. Appraise people for their good things.
6. Accept the people the way they are.
7. Never lose confidence, you are unique and best.
8. Keep faith in God and done' be restless.
9. Never compromise with honesty ad integrity.
10. Don't be harsh and rude, in anger, try to leave that place.
11. Without having a laugh, your day is wasted. Remember that!
Apply these simple but very important habits in your life and be an idol for everybody.
Here are some users submitted jokes to make you giggle:
what do you call a deer with no eyes?
A no idear! What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs? Still no idear!
submitted by: Anna